"New careers can start at any age, especially when you do it for the fun of it."
- Louise Hay
Susan discovered a love for writing in fourth grade, when her teacher left out a basket of extra credit books made of construction paper. They had titles and nothing else except for a few sheets of lined paper stapled inside.
The story Susan wrote, "A Real Mystery," featured ghosts, a sleepover, and, of course, twins with ESP. It's now lost to history, but it started a life-long love for stories and art that are a bit on the supernatural side.
In college, Susan studied Russian Literature because it was deep, dark, and philosophical. All the things her own writing was not. But she loved the nuanced characters and symbolism of the 19th century classics. The absurdists of the early 20th century also influenced her writing style.
Although Susan continued writing creatively on the sly throughout many career jumps through academia, philanthropy, high tech, and the automotive industry, she did not apply herself to seriously learning the craft until she turned 50.
She was accepted into Arizona State University's "Your Novel Year" program, where she learned to craft novels for Young Adults. Now, she's writing like there's no tomorrow: flash fiction, short stories, novels (both YA and adult), memoir, and graphic pieces combining her own line drawings with narrative.
Susan recently moved to her family's abandoned cattle ranch in a remote part of Montana, where she's learning to cope with snow and isolation, taking in too many strays, and revising several of her novel drafts in the hopes of future publication.